amplifiers.html | The main amplifiers page. |
build01.html | How I made a ribbon microphone in a diecast box. |
build02.html | Putting a Garrard 401 on a slate plinth. |
buzzaround.html | The Burns Buzzaround fuzzbox and my version of it. |
cadenza.html | About the Simon Cadenza ribbon microphone. |
links.html | The links to other places on teh interwebs. |
microphones.html | The main microphone page. |
misc.html | Links to fuzz boxes and amplifier pages. |
phono.html | Main phono page. |
quad.50e.html | A page about the QUAD 50 Amplifier. |
fender.bassman.100.html | A page about the Fender Bassman 100 Amplifier. |
reslo.ribbon.html | Fitting a new ribbon to a Reslo microphone. |
reslo.rv.html | A page about the Reslo RV microphones. |
rmp-1.html | A low-noise 30dB booster for ribbon microphones. |
rt-012-a.html | A rectangular PCB for the Oktava MK-012 circuit. |
rt-012.html | A replacement PCB for the Oktava MK-012 microphone. |
rt-219.html | A replacement PCB for the Oktava MK-219 microphone. |
rt-em01.html | A P48 powered circuit design and PCB for electret capsules, very suitable for Linkwitz-modded capsules. |
rt-ff01.html | About the Fuzzface fuzzbox and my variant and PCB. |
rt-gb01.html | A bias voltage generator for condenser microphone capsules. |
rt-pipb.html | Battery powered design for electrets, impedance balanced output. |
rt-sm01.html | The Schoeps circuit. |
tannoy.vnet.218dr.html | Some work on an amp from a Tannoy VNet 218DR speaker system. |
turner.b302.html | About the Turner B302 Amplifier. |
leak.stereo20.html | About the Leak Stereo 20 Amplifier |
crest.pro8200.html | About the Crest Pro 8200 Amplifier |
carlsbro.cs60.bass.html | My Carlsbro CS60 Bass amplifier |
rt-spark.html | A version of Digistump's Digispark ATtiny85 MCU USB board |
rt-km84.html | Redrawn Neumann KM84 schematic. |
z504.html | The Avance (Luxman/Luxkit) Stereo Power Amplifier |
dc300.html | An Amcron/Crown DC300 Amplifier |
gord01.html | Project Gord - putting the KM84 electronics into the C480B case |
orac.html | The ORAC Stereo Power Amplifier |